fell like l am tagging some one is it correct English?
5 answers
No, the sentence you provided is not grammatically correct. A correct alternative could be "I feel like I am tagging someone."
I fell like l am tagging some one meaning
If you meant to say "I feel like I am tagging someone," it can be interpreted as feeling like you are labeling or identifying someone. This phrase can imply that you are associating closely with someone, similar to how you would tag or connect someone's name to an object or picture.
actually, "like" is a preposition, but is often used colloquially as a conjunction, as it has been here.
You are correct. In colloquial English, "like" is often used as a conjunction. In this context, the sentence "I feel like I am tagging someone" is grammatically correct and commonly used to express the feeling of associating oneself with or relating to someone else. Thank you for pointing that out.