Feedback on writing can come from several sources. In other words, writing is usually not a solo activity, but is best done in community.

6 answers

I disagree. Writing is a solitary pursuit in which one person tries to communicate his/her thoughts and research to readers;
Ms Sue here is the question: How important might be the "community" aspect of writing?
I don't think the "community" is important at all in writing.

My husband was a published writer of 9 books. His writing was always solitary until he'd written and rewritten his work several times. Then -- and only then -- did he submit the manuscript to a few colleagues who read it to verify the facts. The final step was to send it to a publisher who then did the final minor editing and proofreading of the galley proofs.
did he get it published and what is the name of the book
My husband was a published writer of 9 books.
okay i want to read one of his books