Features of informal organization structure

1 answer

1. Fluid and dynamic: Informal organization structures are flexible and can change quickly in response to the needs and preferences of the employees.

2. Based on relationships: In an informal organization structure, the relationships between employees play a significant role in determining how work is accomplished. This often leads to close bonds and camaraderie among employees.

3. Decentralized decision-making: Decision-making authority is often distributed among employees in an informal organization structure. This allows for faster decision-making, as employees are empowered to make decisions without going through formal channels.

4. Informal communication networks: In this structure, communication is often informal and occurs through informal channels such as socializing, coffee breaks, or hallway conversations. This can lead to more open and efficient communication within the organization.

5. Flexible roles and responsibilities: Informal organization structures allow for more flexibility in role assignments and responsibilities. Employees may take on tasks outside of their formal job description if they have the skills and interest to do so.

6. Focus on employee needs and motivation: Informal organizations often place a significant emphasis on employee needs and motivation. Managers may rely on informal rewards, such as recognition and praise, to motivate employees and foster a positive work environment.

7. Emergence of informal leaders: In an informal organization structure, leaders may emerge based on their abilities, skills, and influence rather than their formal title or position. These informal leaders can have a significant impact on the dynamics of the organization.

8. Creative problem solving: Informal organizations often encourage creative problem-solving approaches and innovation. The freedom and flexibility within the structure can lead to a more open and collaborative environment for generating ideas.