fe 3+ + scn- <-----> fescn2+
Apparatus and materials:
0.2 M Fe(NO3)3, 0.002M Fe(NO3)3, 0.002 M KSCN.
for this section [fe3+]i = y [scn-]i = z and [fescn2+]eq = x
using the symbols y,z,x, fill in the ice char. note that the rxn starts w/ reacts. only at t=0.
I am confused on how to do this.
3 answers
I assume this is a spetrophotometric determination of Fe^+3 or SCN^- or since the t=0 statement is made perhaps it is a reaction rate. You don't give enough other information for an outsider to know what is going on. What does the i stand for after the brackets. Incidentally, I know it takes a little more time but I don't think, in the end, that you are doing yourself a favor by using lower case letters.
both my shift buttons are broken sometimes it works. i think i got this question, another one is what special property of a substance encourages physical change of state?
One property is intermolecular forces--those forces between molecules within the material. If the intermolecular forces are weak it is easier for the molecules to break away from their neighbors and move from a liquid state, for example, to a gaseous state.