Fantasy writitng prop ideas for brutal races

1 answer

1. Bone clubs: This race of brutal giants uses clubs made from bones of their fallen enemies.

2. Blood magic: These fierce warriors harness the power of blood magic to enhance their physical abilities and inflict devastating damage on their enemies.

3. Crocodile skin armor: This race wears armor made from the tough, scaly skin of crocodiles, making them almost impervious to most weapons.

4. Poison-tipped weapons: These warriors coat their weapons with deadly poisons, ensuring that even a small cut can be lethal.

5. Skull masks: This race wears masks made from the skulls of their enemies, a symbol of their power and brutality.

6. Mutated claws: This race has evolved claws that are razor-sharp and can slice through flesh with ease.

7. Razor-whips: These warriors use whips made from razor-studded leather, causing painful lacerations with every strike.

8. Acid spit: This race can spit a corrosive acid that melts through armor and flesh.

9. Battle frenzy: These warriors enter a frenzied state in battle, becoming almost uncontrollable as they unleash their ferocity on their enemies.

10. Warbeasts: This race tames and trains fierce creatures to fight alongside them in battle, making them an even more formidable force.