To calculate how much you would save purchasing from Perfect Picture Popcorn compared to Fantastic Flicks, we need to find the total cost for each company when buying 3 bags of popcorn.
For Fantastic Flicks popcorn, 2 bags cost $21.00. Therefore, 3 bags of popcorn would cost:
3/2 * $21.00 = $31.50
Now, using the equation y = 9.95x, we can find the total cost for Perfect Picture Popcorn when buying 3 bags of popcorn:
y = 9.95 * 3
y = $29.85
To determine the constant of proportionality (unit rate) per order of popcorn for each company, we need to divide the total cost by the number of bags:
Fantastic Flicks: $21.00 / 2 = $10.50 per bag
Perfect Picture Popcorn: $29.85 / 3 = $9.95 per bag
Therefore, by purchasing from Perfect Picture Popcorn instead of Fantastic Flicks, you would save $31.50 - $29.85 = $1.65.
Fantastic flicks popcorn: 2 bags for $21.00
Perfect picture popcorn
y = 9.95x
Movie Mania popcorn
Bags of popcorn, and amount paid (in dollars)
8 = 81.20
6 = 60.90
4 = 40.60
2 = 20.30
If you bought 3 bags of popcorn from each company, how much would you save purchasing from PERFECT PICTURE POPCORN than from FANTASTIC FLICKS?
Determine the constant of proportionality (unit rate) per order of popcorn for each company.
Movie Company:
Movie mania
Fantastic Flicks
Perfect picture
The big screen
Constant of proportionality:
1 answer