Familiarize yourself with the major environmental forces facing Canadian business by reading pages 6 to 19 of your textbook. The forces are: economic, demographic, technological, cultural, and legal.

Watch the following recruitment ads for IBM:

A: Go to youtube and watch the video called "Recruitment for IBM Computers 1960s Commercial"

B: Go to youtube and watch the video called "Why I'm an IBMer"

Question 1: What environmental forces has IBM addressed in B. since A.? Mention the forces and describe how IBM has addressed them.

Question 2: What environmental forces could IBM address better in B.? Mention the forces and describe how IBM could address them better.
Word limit = 250 words.

6 answers

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
Just with question A, I've watched the 2 videos and I would like a hint on some of the forces that are addressed and how
Although I don't see how this is an environmental issue, the more recent video pictures women and racial minorities that were absent in the 1960 video.
It makes sense if the question is asking about corporate environment.
Answer 1:
Since the 1960s, IBM has addressed several environmental forces in its recruitment advertisements. In the "Why I'm an IBMer" video, IBM has addressed the economic, technological, and cultural forces. The economic force is addressed by highlighting IBM's focus on innovation and the potential for career growth for employees. The video shows employees working on cutting-edge technologies that help them solve complex problems for clients. This strategy attracts individuals who are looking for challenging work and opportunities for career advancement.

The technological force is addressed by showcasing IBM's innovative solutions, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and blockchain. The video highlights how these technologies are transforming businesses, and how IBM is leading the way in developing them. By emphasizing its technological expertise, IBM appeals to individuals who are interested in working with the latest technologies and making a difference through their work.

The cultural force is addressed by showing a diverse workforce that includes individuals from different backgrounds and cultures. The video highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion in IBM's culture, and how it contributes to better business outcomes. By emphasizing its commitment to diversity and inclusion, IBM attracts individuals who value these principles and are looking for an inclusive work environment.

Answer 2:
One environmental force that IBM could address better in its recruitment advertisements is
Answer 1:
Since the 1960s, IBM has addressed several environmental forces in its recruitment advertisements. In the "Why I'm an IBMer" video, IBM has addressed the economic, technological, and cultural forces. The economic force is addressed by highlighting IBM's focus on innovation and the potential for career growth for employees. The video shows employees working on cutting-edge technologies that help them solve complex problems for clients. This strategy attracts individuals who are looking for challenging work and opportunities for career advancement.

The technological force is addressed by showcasing IBM's innovative solutions, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and blockchain. The video highlights how these technologies are transforming businesses, and how IBM is leading the way in developing them. By emphasizing its technological expertise, IBM appeals to individuals who are interested in working with the latest technologies and making a difference through their work.

The cultural force is addressed by showing a diverse workforce that includes individuals from different backgrounds and cultures. The video highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion in IBM's culture, and how it contributes to better business outcomes. By emphasizing its commitment to diversity and inclusion, IBM attracts individuals who value these principles and are looking for an inclusive work environment.

Answer 2:
One environmental force that IBM could address better in its recruitment advertisements is the social force. IBM could showcase its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, which is becoming increasingly important to job seekers, especially younger generations. The company could highlight its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, promote ethical practices, and contribute to social causes. By emphasizing its social responsibility, IBM can attract individuals who are looking for a company that aligns with their values and makes a positive impact on society.