Failure of the Government to Meet with the Demands of the People

The main role of any government is to serve and lead its sovereign people towards improvement. This can only be achieved through proper communication with the people its supposed to serve. The failure of the government comes in when it no longer sees the people as top priority. This usually happens when the leaders put themselves first and work in order to attain their personal goals.

A Unanimous Realization of the Need for a Major Change
This is the very essence that motivates any revolution. Reform is the key word. A revolution may choose as its object a political transformation, a social transformation, or a simple change of ruler. This unanimous realization serves as the uniting factor of subordinate groups in their attempt to transform the social foundations of political power.

A Want for Freedom
This is the common yearning of those who fall victim under abuse. When ones plea upon being violated is not heard, these people are most likely to protest.

Would these be good paragraphs?


2 answers

Your paragraphs explain the underlying causes that may provoke a revolution, but they do not answer the question of what a revolution IS.

It is, quite simply, a change of government achieved by forceful means, avoiding constitutional processes such as elections. In most cases, it is the replacement of a dictatorial or monarchist government by one that is more representative of public opinion, but this is not always the case. More often than not, it is a switch of dictators.
Instead of saying "More often than not," in the last sentence, I should have said "Quite often,.."

Otherwise, my last two sentences are contradictory.