The facilitator can start by briefly introducing each of the five theorists and their contributions to the underdevelopment and dependency theories.
1. Andre Gunder Frank: Frank was a German-American economist and sociologist known for his work on world systems theory. He believed that underdevelopment in developing countries was a result of their integration into the capitalist world economy, which led to exploitation and inequality. He also argued that the solution to underdevelopment lay in breaking away from dependency on the global capitalist system and promoting self-reliance and economic independence.
2. Paul Baran: Baran was a Polish economist and Marxist theorist who co-authored the influential book "The Political Economy of Growth" with Paul Sweezy. He believed that underdevelopment was caused by the unequal distribution of wealth and resources within and between nations. Baran's solution to underdevelopment involved the redistribution of wealth and resources to address economic disparities and promote sustainable development.
3. Amin: Samir Amin was an Egyptian-French Marxist economist and advocate for economic decolonization in developing countries. He argued that underdevelopment was a result of imperialism, capitalism, and unequal power relations. Amin's solution to underdevelopment involved the creation of a more just and equitable global economic system that prioritized the needs and interests of developing countries.
4. Cardoso: Fernando Henrique Cardoso was a Brazilian sociologist and politician who played a key role in developing dependency theory. He believed that underdevelopment in Latin America was a result of historical patterns of exploitation and domination by colonial powers and multinational corporations. Cardoso's solution to underdevelopment involved promoting economic and political independence, social justice, and democratic governance.
5. Warren: Bill Warren was a British historian and advocate for the dependency theory. He argued that underdevelopment was a direct result of Western imperialist policies that exploited and marginalized developing countries for their own economic gain. Warren's solution to underdevelopment involved challenging and resisting imperialism through collective action and solidarity among developing nations.
After the introduction, students can then break into their respective groups to discuss and present each theorist's thoughts on the causes and solutions of underdevelopment. Each group can prepare a brief presentation summarizing their assigned theorist's key ideas and recommendations, followed by a discussion with the entire class to compare and contrast the different perspectives. This activity will help students deepen their understanding of underdevelopment and dependency theories and critically analyze the proposed solutions to global economic inequality.
Facilitator will divide students into 5 distinct groups with each group representing
one of the five theorists that discussed the underdevelopment and dependency
➢ Discuss the below theorists of underdevelopment and dependency’
➢ In your groups, highlight and present the scholar’s thoughts on the causes and
solutions of under of underdevelopment:
▪ Andre Gunder Frank
▪ Paul Baran
▪ Amin
▪ Cardoso
▪ Warren
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