To cite the article within your text, you can use the following in-text citations depending on the context:
For summarizing or paraphrasing:
According to Jha and Sit (2020), the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials can be optimized using a combination of novel methods.
For a direct quote:
As noted by Jha and Sit, "the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials using a combination of various novel methods can enhance the efficiency and yield of bioactive constituents" (Jha & Sit, 2020).
Remember to include the full reference in your bibliography:
Jha, A. K., & Sit, N. (2020). Extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials using combination of various novel methods: A review.
Extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials using combination of various novel methods: A review
Author links open overlay panel. Avinash Kumar Jha, Nandan Sit. 2020
provide the intext citation quotes for the above information given
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