Extra Credit Opportunity

Health and PE Project: Body Systems
10 Extra Credit Points!
(5 points for the project, 5 points for presenting during LL)

What: Choose a Body System from Unit 6 and Create a PowerPoint Slide or a Poster!
Why: Teach us about the body system you have chosen
Where: Webmail it to me by March 24th and let me know if you would like to share it during our Live Lesson on April 20th!
What to include:
At least one interesting/fascinating fact about the System
Describe the purpose of the System
Describe how the System works (provide visuals)
Describe what can go wrong with the System
Describe how to keep the System healthy
Site your sources - or I will have to send it back to you
Creativity Have fun with this!

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call me!

Mrs. Buhler

1 answer

What do you expect us to do with this assignment?