Can you think of any two numbers that, when subtracted, multiplied, or divided, yield a number that is not rational? For example, take the rational numbers 2 and 3.
2 - 3 = -1
2 * 3 = 6
2 / 3 = 2/3
Are any of the results irrational? And are there any other rational numbers that yield different results?
(I assume a formal proof is not requested).
EXTENDING THE LESSON If you add any two rational numbers, the sum is always a rational number. So, the set of rational numbers is closed under addition. Is the set of rational numbers closed under subtraction. multiplication,and division also? Explain.
2 answers
Can you think of any two numbers that, when subtracted, multiplied, or divided, yield a number that is not rational? For example, take the rational numbers 2 and 3.
2 - 3 = -1
2 * 3 = 6
2 / 3 = 2/3
Are any of the results irrational? And are there any other rational numbers that yield different results?
yes this one 2 * 3 = 6
2 - 3 = -1
2 * 3 = 6
2 / 3 = 2/3
Are any of the results irrational? And are there any other rational numbers that yield different results?
yes this one 2 * 3 = 6