extend this but keep the same argument
Phones provide an effecent way for students to stay organized with their schoolwork. Phones are great substitutes for IPads and computers if a student’s IPad or computer shuts down or malfunctions. In this case phones would allow students to still be able to complete work in class instead of having to ask a friend to borrow their device or having to do the work at home. Other devices don’t need to be shut down or broken for phones to be a useful learning tool. Since students could research things on their phones while simultaneously typing on their iPad simultaneously making them a valuable resource for learning and multitasking.
1 answer
Not only can phones help students stay organized and complete work in emergencies, they also offer a convenient way for students to access information quickly. With the vast amount of educational apps and resources available on phones, students can easily gather information, take notes, and even collaborate with classmates on group projects. This accessibility to information at their fingertips can enhance the learning experience and foster a deeper understanding of the material being studied. Additionally, phones allow students to easily communicate with teachers and classmates, ask questions, and seek clarification on assignments, ultimately leading to a more efficient and productive academic experience. In today's technology-driven world, phones have become indispensable tools for students to succeed in their academic endeavors.