To express the fraction 8/11 as a repeating decimal, we can use long division.
Starting with the division problem 8 ÷ 11:
0. followed by the repeating decimal part
11 | 8.000000…
We can see that 11 does not divide evenly into 8, so we bring down another digit, making it 80.
0. followed by the repeating decimal part
11 | 8.000000…
Now, we divide 11 into 80:
0. followed by the repeating decimal part
11 | 8.000000…
Since 11 does not divide evenly into 30, we bring down another digit, making it 300.
0. followed by the repeating decimal part
11 | 8.000000…
and so on...
As we can see, the division continues in a repeating pattern where the remainder cycles between 30, 22, 80, and 77.
Therefore, the decimal representation of 8/11 is 0. followed by the repeating decimal pattern 72, where the 72 cycles over and over.
So, 8/11 as a repeating decimal can be written as 0.72 with the bar over the 72.
Express (8)/(11) as a repeating decimal. Mark the cycle of repeating digits with a bar.
1 answer