To convert 14°28'37" to decimal degrees, we need to convert the minutes and seconds to degrees.
There are 60 minutes in 1 degree, so we divide 28 by 60 to get:
28 / 60 = 0.4666667 degrees.
Similarly, there are 60 seconds in 1 minute, so we divide 37 by 60 to get:
37 / 60 = 0.6166667 minutes.
Converting minutes to degrees, we divide 0.6166667 by 60 to get:
0.6166667 / 60 = 0.0102778 degrees.
Now we can add all the degrees together:
14 + 0.4666667 + 0.0102778 = 14.4779444
Rounding this to four decimal places gives us the final answer:
14.4779 degrees.
Express 14°28'37" as decimal degrees. Round the answer to 4 decimal places.
1 answer