- The key of my original composition is C Major. The notes in the C Major scale are C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. I chose C Major for this composition because it has a bright and uplifting sound, which suited the emotional tone I wanted to convey. Its straightforward structure, consisting of only the white keys, allows for a sense of clarity and openness in the music, making it accessible and engaging for listeners.
Exploring II
Composition Analysis
Directions: Answer the following questions about your original composition using complete
sentences. Don’t just name; you need to explain WHY you made the choice. Type your answers
on the worksheet and then save the file. Add your name to the filename. Questions 3 and 4 count
more; so give answers with depth.
1. What is the key of your original composition? Name the notes in the scale
of this key.
1 answer