Explore both the strengths and weaknesses of Ronald Reagan's presidency. What has made his vision so dominant ever since?

2 answers

It depends on what you mean dominant?
Dominant to whom? and secondly, is is possible there is a myth about what he did (he did raise taxes. He did secretly intervene in Hondourous. He did trade weapons with hostile regimes.) Have we forgotten about his lack of clear mental ability the second term..yes, I know, we forgave Winston Churchill during his latter years for the same thing.

But I do question the meaning of dominant. he was the last Republican president that had any sense, so a lot of what one hears as Reagan's presidency is maybe ...exagerated...myth...living in the past.

I did vote for him, first term. Second term, I listened to him, and during the campaign I thought he had lost his mental facilities. Turns out, I was right, but he was elected anyway.
Bobpursley has made some excellent points. As far as Reagan's strengths and weaknesses, doesn't that depend upon your point of view?

You may want to read this article to get more ideas.
