The evidence supporting the claim that the Coke creator is John Pemberton is as follows:
1. Historical records show that John Pemberton was a pharmacist and chemist who developed the original formula for Coca-Cola in 1886. This demonstrates that he was the creator of the iconic beverage.
2. Pemberton patented his Coca-Cola recipe in 1887, providing further proof that he was the mastermind behind the creation of Coke.
3. Pemberton's original formula for Coca-Cola included ingredients such as coca leaf extract and kola nut extract, which are still used in the recipe today. This illustrates his unique contribution to the development of the drink.
4. The Coca-Cola Company, founded by Asa Candler in 1892, acquired the rights to the Coca-Cola formula from Pemberton's estate, solidifying his status as the creator of the beverage.
In conclusion, the evidence strongly supports the claim that John Pemberton was the inventor of Coca-Cola.
Explanation=reasoning (How does your evidence support your claim-this shows, this is an example of, this illustrates, this demonstrates, this proves, it is evident, etc. the coke creator
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