Explain why you cannot add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators while you can add or subtract fractions with like denominators. Include one or more real-world examples in your explanation.

Pls make it very short

11 answers

You cannot add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators because the denominators represent the size or division of the whole. When the denominators are different, the fractions refer to different-sized wholes, making them incompatible for addition or subtraction.

For example, imagine you have a cake divided into 4 equal pieces and another cake divided into 3 equal pieces. You cannot add or subtract a fraction from one cake with a different fraction from the other cake because the pieces are not the same size. It would be like trying to add or subtract different-sized slices of cake. On the other hand, if you have two cakes divided into 4 equal pieces each, you can add or subtract fractions with the same denominators because the cakes are divided in the same manner.
I said VERY short PLEASE
Fractions with unlike denominators represent different-sized wholes, making them incompatible for addition or subtraction. Fractions with like denominators represent the same-sized wholes, allowing for addition or subtraction.
Can I please have a real world example please
Sure! Let's say you have a recipe that requires 3/4 cup of flour and another recipe that requires 1/2 cup of flour. You cannot simply add or subtract these fractions because the fractions represent different quantities of flour. Adding 3/4 cup of flour to 1/2 cup of flour would not make sense since the fractions have different denominators and refer to different quantities. However, if you had two recipes that both required 1/4 cup of flour, you could add the fractions together to get 1/2 cup of flour, as the fractions have the same denominator and represent the same-sized portion.
Can you possibly make it shorter
Fractions with unlike denominators represent different quantities and cannot be directly added or subtracted. Fractions with like denominators represent the same quantities and can be added or subtracted.
Can I have a real world example thats VERY short???
Mixing 1/2 cup of milk with 3/4 cup of orange juice is not possible since the fractions have different denominators. However, combining 1/4 cup of milk with another 1/4 cup of milk is possible as the fractions have the same denominator.
You're welcome! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
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