Explain why the setting depicted in the V for Vendetta trailer is a dystopia. Use specific examples in your explanation.

This is what I have so far not sure if it is correct.

A dystopia is an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or an environmentally degraded. The V for Vendetta trailer is a dystopia because the poverty and the fascist dictatorship ruling a dystopian United Kingdom.

1 answer

Please re-read the directions and follow the directions.

1. Explain why the setting depicted in the V for Vendetta trailer is a dystopia.
I see little reference to the setting at all. Are you clear on what is included in a setting? And the word "Explain" means to tell why, to give reasons. I see no explanation of anything in your two-sentence answer.

2. Use specific examples in your explanation.
You have included no specific (<~~detailed) examples (<~~plural).

I get more out of reading the Wikipedia entry for this movie than out of your response.

Please try again and then re-post.