1. A new directors induction programme can assist with setting an ethical tone in a company by ensuring that new directors are educated on the company's ethical standards, values, and expectations from the very beginning. This helps to establish a strong foundation for ethical behavior and decision-making within the board of directors.
2. A conflict of interest register for directors can assist with setting an ethical tone in a company by promoting transparency and accountability. By requiring directors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest they may have, the company can proactively address and mitigate any situations that may compromise ethical decision-making.
3. Annual declarations of directors shareholding and board membership can assist with setting an ethical tone in a company by promoting disclosure and integrity. By requiring directors to regularly declare their shareholdings and board memberships, the company can ensure that there are no hidden agendas or conflicts of interest that could impact their decision-making. This helps to build trust among stakeholders and demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior.
explain why the following can assist with the setting of an ethical tone in a company
1. a new directors induction programme
2. a conflict of interest register for directors
3. annual declarations of directors shareholding and board membership
1 answer