To determine the poles of an unlabeled magnet using a known magnet with labeled poles, you can follow these steps:
Identify the Poles of the Known Magnet: Take the magnet with labeled poles (let's assume one pole is labeled North (N) and the other South (S)).
Bring the Known Magnet Close to the Unlabeled Magnet: Hold the known magnet close to the surface of the unlabeled magnet without any physical contact.
Observe the Attraction or Repulsion:
- If the North pole (N) of the known magnet is brought close to one end of the unlabeled magnet and that end is attracted to the known magnet, it indicates that the unlabeled magnet has a South pole (S) at that end (since opposite poles attract).
- Conversely, if the North pole (N) of the known magnet is brought near one end of the unlabeled magnet and you observe a repulsion, it indicates that the unlabeled magnet has a North pole (N) at that end (since like poles repel).
Repeat with the Other Pole: Next, repeat the process by bringing the South pole (S) of the known magnet to the other end of the unlabeled magnet and observe the behavior—attraction or repulsion—this will further confirm the identification of the poles on the unlabeled magnet.
Conclusion: By observing the interactions (attraction or repulsion) between the known magnet and the unlabeled magnet, you can definitively determine which end of the unlabeled magnet is the North pole and which is the South pole.
Thus, using the interaction of magnetic poles (attraction and repulsion), you can identify the poles of the unlabeled magnet based on the known magnet.