- Asphalt is a darker color than concrete, so it absorbs more sunlight. When sunlight reaches the surface of the black asphalt parking lot, it gets absorbed rather than reflected, resulting in the surface becoming hotter.
- Asphalt has a higher thermal conductivity compared to concrete. This means that asphalt can transfer heat more efficiently. As the asphalt surface gets heated by the sunlight, the heat is conducted through the material and transferred to your feet when you step on it.
- The heat transfer to your feet occurs through conduction. When you make contact with the hot surface of the asphalt parking lot, the heat energy from the asphalt is transferred directly to your feet. Asphalt's higher thermal conductivity allows for faster heat transfer, making the surface feel hotter on your feet.
Explain why a black asphalt parking lot feels hotter to your bare feet than a concrete sidewalk does, and describe how the heat is transferred to your feet.
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