Explain two ways in which Sikhs shows they are part of the Sikh community.

1 answer

There are a number of ways in which Sikhs show they are part of the Sikh community. Here are two:

1. Wearing the Five K's: The Five K's are the five items of faith that Sikhs are expected to wear at all times as an article of faith. These include Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden comb), Kara (a steel bracelet), Kacchera (cotton underwear), and Kirpan (a small sword). By wearing the Five K's, Sikh individuals show that they are part of the Sikh community and that they are committed to their faith.

2. Participating in Langar: Langar is a community kitchen in a gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) where free meals are served to all visitors, regardless of their caste, creed or colour. This is seen as an important way of showing solidarity and equality within the Sikh community. By participating in Langar, Sikhs demonstrate their commitment to the concept of seva (selfless service) and their willingness to serve others. It is also an opportunity for Sikhs to gather and socialize with members of their community.