explain they will all work and is necesary one sentence each

Recommendation 1: Upgrade existing facilities to meet current safety and accessibility standards
Recommendation 2: Increase Government funds: decrease the price range for the recreational activities
Recommendation 3: Implement Smart Lighting Systems for Outdoor Facilities
Recommendation 4: Increase Accessibility and Awareness of Facilities
Recommendation 5: Develop Inclusive Facilities for People of All Abilities

1 answer

Recommendation 1: Upgrading existing facilities will ensure the safety and accessibility of the recreational spaces for all individuals.
Recommendation 2: Increasing government funds and lowering prices will make recreational activities more affordable and accessible to a wider range of people.
Recommendation 3: Implementing Smart Lighting Systems will improve visibility and safety in outdoor facilities, making them more inviting for use.
Recommendation 4: Increasing accessibility and awareness of facilities will encourage more people to take advantage of the recreational opportunities available to them.
Recommendation 5: Developing inclusive facilities for people of all abilities will create a more welcoming and accommodating environment for everyone to enjoy.