Explain the similarities and differences between corporate farms and mixed-crop farms. (5 points)

27 answers

You're expecting someone here to do your assignment for you? That won't happen, but we'll be happy to give you feedback on what you think and write.
So helpful..
The primary problem with urban sprawl in the west is the depletion of water resources. If this problem isn't solved, aquifers will dry up, farms will experience drought, water won't be available for irrigation. Another problem with urban sprawl is air pollution mixed with fog that produces smog. P.S. You might have to make more sentances out of that not very hard :)
im pretty sure it will
your probably not even a teacher and you have given other students answers in the past you ####### hypocritical #####.
still no help
Hahaha:) it makes me smile so with such spite when I see people abusing their virtual ability's, I mean come on people. I know it has to be somebody but he really is just helping, not directly giving the answer is helping whether we see it or not.
- This girl is on fireeee<3
Actually these questions are on a test for Connections Academy students and tests and quizzes are CLOSED book. So, you are breaking honor code and plagiarizing if you come here or any other websites looking for answers.
*insert spitefull comment about how disgusted you are about kids cheating on things they will never need to know*
technically he's not cheating on the WHOLE DAMN ASSIGNMENT he's only cheating one question
besides, for written questions you can't even cheat, because your teacher will search your answer and find which site you got it from
I really need help!!!
can we not fight and solve this proplem as a team XD they wont be that mad if we do that
i personally don’t look up the answers to things, i rarely do. i don’t have someone at home to help me, i look up research and i come to this, i personally don’t do this for me i do this so i can skip back to high school next year because i’m held back. i’m not doing this for anyone or anything else. i need to finish my work by march 12th or i can’t skip to my grade level. people who look up the answers to every question it’s jot that hard to read through the matieral, if you still don’t get it look up research not the word for word question so you can find it. trust me you’ll feel like a better person.
I'll be honest I went here for help but instead found that there is a bunch of kids who are so dumb they are rambling about things like this is useless information who will honestly more than likely amount to nothing in life. But that's besides the point, HONESTLY, Just ask your parent or sibling for info on the task at hand if you need help. Most of the time people will find out you cheated and you will be disqualified and therefor have a bad grade.

READ THIS: Hey, y'all is fake teachers and don't know life as a student obviously. Act like you never use to cheat on test. Well I can't say that because this is not cheating. It's getting help and examples from other peers. So the only person being disqualified is you fake teachers. We all know you probably a student behind the screen. So you can got sit down in a classroom somewhere with your Mr. Annoyed, Annoyed teacher, and Writeacher selves. You got me messed up...
Mr. Annoyed, I find it very offensive that you say to just ask a family member because a lot of people don’t have parents that want to help them in school or they have no siblings.
can we just git and answer plz
If your not going to help dont put your stupid opinion in theres no point. Your just trying to be an idiot.
Then why did you just put your opinion about us trying to be idiots and you not caring about our opinions when it was unnecessary? Just go if ur not gonna help. Btw Athena, I know the answers already.
similarities- They can both be used to grow and sell crops. They can both be used to make money.
differences- Corporate farming is when a company owns or influences farms and agricultural practices on a large scale. While mixed-crop farming is the concept of mixing two types of farming on one area of land. Mainly it's when crop farming is mixed with livestock faring on one farm.

So don't tell me that I don't know something...
Don't ever put all the answers to a test or quiz because thats cheating and you need to find your own work and you will feel a lot better of a person. if you dont know the answers then you NEED TO STUDY BEFORE THE TEST OR QUIZ if you are on this website to find the answers someone else found you are a disgrace to everything and everyone. Hope you read this and change your mind about cheating.

Sincerely, Anonymous
all ya'll got to do is search up the meaning of a corporate farm and the mixed - up farm then find the similarities and differences of them both. REALLLL SIMPLE..... oh and if you want to answers to the multiple question here.
14. C
wow people are rude and frustating and i barely come on here, *whispers* bad fist impression
Wanna have a bad time?
Kuz Anonymous you are being a hypocrite so pls stop
It’s cheating at this point. People blatantly put the answers down. However, being a jerk about it won’t make cheaters stop. Cheaters typically cheat for the same reasons.
1) They don’t know and don’t have time to research
2) They’re so far behind it doesn’t matter

Get used to it. Cheaters gonna cheat.
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