Explain the role of the church (religion) in politics and state governance in the post colonial. Give practial examples with reference to Zambia's political landscape.

6 pages with APA references

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The role of religion, particularly the church, in politics and state governance has been a topic of debate for centuries. In the post-colonial era, many countries, including Zambia, have grappled with the question of how religion should influence their political landscape. Zambia, a country with a majority Christian population, has a long history of the church playing a significant role in politics and governance. This paper aims to explore the role of the church in politics and state governance in post-colonial Zambia, with practical examples illustrating the impact of the church on the country's political landscape.

The Role of the Church in Politics and State Governance

The relationship between the church and politics is complex and multifaceted. Historically, the church has played a prominent role in shaping political ideologies, advocating for social justice, and influencing government policies. In many countries, the church has been a powerful force for change, mobilizing communities and advocating for the rights of the marginalized.

In post-colonial Zambia, the church has been a significant player in politics and state governance. With a majority Christian population, the church has a strong influence on society and is often seen as a moral authority. The church has been involved in various political issues, including advocating for good governance, human rights, and social justice. The church has also been vocal on issues such as corruption, poverty, and inequality, pushing for policies that address these challenges.

Practical Examples from Zambia's Political Landscape

1. Role in Advocating for Good Governance

The church in Zambia has been actively involved in advocating for good governance and transparency in the political system. For example, during the 2016 general elections, the church played a crucial role in monitoring the electoral process and ensuring free and fair elections. The church also called for transparency in the electoral process and urged political parties to respect the rule of law.

In 2017, the church further demonstrated its commitment to good governance by mediating dialogue between the government and the opposition following a disputed election. The church acted as a neutral arbiter, bringing together conflicting parties and facilitating discussions to resolve the political crisis. This example illustrates the important role that the church can play in promoting unity and stability in post-colonial politics.

2. Role in Social Justice and Human Rights

The church in Zambia has also been a strong advocate for social justice and human rights. For example, the church has been involved in campaigns against gender-based violence, advocating for women's rights, and promoting equality and inclusion in society. The church has also spoken out against injustices such as police brutality, land grabs, and forced evictions.

In 2018, the church was instrumental in advocating for the release of political prisoners and the respect of human rights. The church organized peaceful protests, issued statements condemning human rights abuses, and mobilized support for those who were oppressed. This example demonstrates the church's commitment to upholding human dignity and justice in the face of political repression.

3. Role in Moral Leadership

The church in Zambia has also played a crucial role in providing moral leadership in the political sphere. The church has been a voice of conscience, speaking out against corruption, immorality, and unethical behavior among political leaders. The church has called for accountability, transparency, and integrity in government, challenging those in power to uphold ethical standards.

In 2019, the church issued a pastoral letter condemning the rampant corruption in the country and called on political leaders to repent and change their ways. The church's moral leadership has sparked public debate and scrutiny of political leaders, leading to increased accountability and transparency in governance. This example illustrates the church's role as a moral compass, guiding political decisions and shaping the ethical standards of society.


In conclusion, the church plays a significant role in politics and state governance in post-colonial Zambia. The church has been instrumental in advocating for good governance, social justice, human rights, and moral leadership in the political sphere. Practical examples from Zambia's political landscape demonstrate the impact of the church on the country's political landscape, highlighting the church's role as a powerful force for change and social transformation. Moving forward, it is essential for the church to continue its engagement with politics and governance, promoting values of justice, equality, and integrity in society.


1. "Church in politics: A double-edged sword." Daily Nation. (2019, May 20). Retrieved from https://www.nation.co.ke/oped/opinion/Church-in-politics-A-double-edged-sword/440808-5110186-237dd3/index.html

2. NAIROBI AND ZAMBIA, SAMUEL OUMA | MAY 31, 2019. "Zambian church takes on politicians, says they are corrupt." The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001328173/zambian-church-takes-on-politicians-says-they-are-corrupt

3. Zambia, "State of the Nation." Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2018. Retrieved from http://www.zccb.org.zm/documents/Zambia%20State%20of%20the%20Nation%202018.pdf