Explain the meaning of each of the word parts of the word "autobiography" and how they come together to create the meaning of the word. Write a RARE response.

auto + bio + graph

1 answer

The word "autobiography" can be broken down into three word parts: "auto," "bio," and "graph."

1. Auto: The word part "auto" comes from the Greek word "autos," meaning "self" or "one's own." This word part suggests that the subject or focus of the word is related to oneself or one's own life experiences.

2. Bio: The word part "bio" comes from the Greek word "bios," meaning "life" or "living organisms." This word part indicates that the subject of the word is related to someone's life or the events and experiences that occurred throughout their life.

3. Graph: The word part "graph" comes from the Greek word "graphē," which means "to write" or "writing." This word part implies that the word refers to a written account or a piece of literature.

When all these word parts come together, the word "autobiography" is formed. Its meaning can be understood as a written account or a literary work that focuses on the life experiences, events, and details of an individual's own life. The "auto" component highlights that the subject is the author themselves, while "bio" emphasizes the autobiographical nature of the subject matter. Lastly, the "graph" element suggests that the life story is represented in written form, creating a comprehensive representation of the author's life.