The life cycle of a star can be described in several stages, starting from its formation in a nebula and ending with its ultimate fate, which can vary based on its initial mass. Here is an overview of this process using the terms provided:
Nebula: A star begins its life in a nebula, which is a large cloud of gas and dust. Under the influence of gravity, parts of the nebula begin to collapse, leading to the formation of a protostar.
Main Sequence: Once the protostar has gained enough mass and the core temperature rises sufficiently for nuclear fusion to occur, it enters the main sequence phase. Here, hydrogen is converted into helium in the star's core, and it remains in this stable phase for most of its life. Our Sun is currently in this stage.
Red Giant: As the hydrogen fuel in the core starts to deplete, the core contracts and heats up, causing the outer layers of the star to expand. The star then becomes a red giant. During this phase, the star may begin to fuse helium into heavier elements.
Super Giant: For massive stars, once hydrogen and helium are exhausted, they continue to expand and can become super giants. In this phase, the star can fuse heavier elements in its core, leading up to iron.
Supernova: Eventually, a supernova occurs when a massive star can no longer support the gravitational collapse of its core. This catastrophic explosion results in the outer layers being expelled into space, and it can outshine entire galaxies for a short time.
Black Hole: If the core remaining after the supernova is more than about three solar masses, it will collapse under its own gravity to form a black hole, an object with gravity so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it.
White Dwarf: For stars like our Sun that are less massive, after shedding their outer layers during the red giant phase, they leave behind a hot core that becomes a white dwarf. This remnant gradually cools and dims over time, but it does not have enough mass to form a black hole.
In conclusion, the life cycle of a star can vary significantly based on its initial mass, leading to different endpoints: either a white dwarf, a supernova leading to a neutron star or black hole, or the formation of elements and materials that may eventually contribute to new star and planet formation in a nebula.