Explain the following quote "Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as by the abuses of power.". I have to answer questions about this, but I have no clue what it means..

1 answer

Interpreting any quotation is going to be different for each person -- maybe a lot different or maybe just a little different or somewhere in between; but don't be afraid to think for yourself.

These are my thoughts from the life I've led so far:

~ abuses of liberty = actions of people who think they are free to do anything they please, at any time ... with no consideration for other people.
(Westboro church's protests at funerals comes to mind here, for me.)

~ abuses of power = actions of people who believe they have the right to dictate to everyone else how to live their lives.

To me, true liberty falls in between somewhere ... so that individuals can make choices in their lives for themselves, but not choices that will adversely affect others, whether physically, financially, socially, spiritually, etc.

Others will have different opinions for you to consider, I'm sure.