1. Fardh: Fardh prayers are the obligatory prayers that every practicing Muslim must offer. These prayers are the core and most important part of the daily worship in Islam. There are five Fardh prayers, known as Salah, which are performed throughout the day at designated times: Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (night).
2. Sunnah: Sunnah prayers are voluntary prayers that were performed by the Prophet Muhammad and are highly recommended for Muslims to follow. These prayers are not obligatory like the Fardh prayers but offer additional rewards and blessings. Sunnah prayers are performed before or after the obligatory prayers and can be offered in sets of two units known as Rak'ah.
3. Nafl (nafilah): Nafl prayers are optional or supererogatory prayers that a Muslim can perform at any time of the day or night. Unlike Sunnah prayers, Nafl prayers do not have a specific number of units. These prayers are an additional way for Muslims to earn extra rewards and seek closeness to Allah.
4. Salat ul-Eid: Salat ul-Eid is a special congregational prayer that Muslims offer on the day of Eid. There are two Eids in Islam: Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha, which commemorates the end of Hajj. The prayer is performed in large congregations in open grounds or mosques and consists of a sermon followed by a two-unit prayer. Attending the Eid prayer is highly recommended for all Muslims, including men, women, and children.
5. Salat ul-Istisqah: Salat ul-Istisqah, also known as the prayer for rain, is a special prayer performed during times of drought or scarcity of water. It is a collective prayer, requesting Allah for rain and relief from drought. Muslims come together to supplicate and seek Allah's mercy and blessings. This prayer reminds Muslims to rely on Allah for their sustenance and to seek His help during times of difficulty.
Explain the following prayers in islam
Salt ul—id
Salt ul–istisqah
1 answer