Addition/subtraction of logs means product/division of numbers, while product of logs means power of numbers.Log m to the base b x Log n to the base b=log m^n.
On keyboard,select the character
to be subscripted, press Cntrl+=.
Or else select the character, go to Fonts Menu-Fonts-Effects-Subscript-OK.
-Explain the difference between log base b (mn) and ( log base b of m)(log base b of n). Are they equivalent?
My answer:
Let b=2, m=8, n=16
*log base b (mn)=log base b of m + log base b of n
log base 2 of 8+ log base 2 of 16=7
* (log base b of m) (log base b of n)=(log base 2 of 8)(log base 2 of 16)=3•4=12
Hence, they are not equivalent because 7 DOES NOT EQUAL TO 12.
How can you do the subscript on a keyboard?
1 answer