Advantages of Radiated/Wireless Media:
1. Mobility: Radiated/Wireless media provides freedom of mobility as it eliminates the need for cables.
2. Cost-effective: Radiated/Wireless media is less expensive to install and maintain than wired networks.
3. Easy to install: Radiated/Wireless media can be installed with ease and requires minimal maintenance.
4. Flexible: Radiated/Wireless media can accommodate various devices and technologies like smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.
5. Accessible: With Radiated/Wireless media, users can connect to the network from anywhere in the range of the transmission.
Disadvantages of Radiated/Wireless Media:
1. Signal Interference: Radiated/wireless media can experience signal interference from other sources like microwaves, cordless phones, and other electronic devices.
2. Limited range: The range of radiated/wireless media is limited and can affect connectivity when the distance exceeds the acceptable limit.
3. Security risks: Radiated/wireless media is more vulnerable to cyber-attacks as they are visible and accessible to unauthorized users.
4. Slower speeds: Radiated/wireless media can experience slower speeds than wired networks. Data transfer rate is dependent on the distance, interference, and the number of users connected.
5. Reliability and stability: Radiated/wireless media’s connection can be inconsistent and unstable due to signal interference and other environmental factors.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Radiated/Wireless media.
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