Explain in 3–5 sentences the causes and impacts of the proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam.

3 answers

The causes of the proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam were rooted in the global power struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The Soviet Union supported North Korea and North Vietnam, while the United States supported South Korea and South Vietnam. These conflicts were essentially a battleground for ideological control, with the goal of expanding influence and dominance in the region.

The impacts of the proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam were significant. The Korean War resulted in the division of Korea into North and South, which continues to this day. It also claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians, caused extensive damage to infrastructure, and deepened the divide between the two Koreas. The Vietnam War had even greater consequences, leading to the loss of over a million lives, massive destruction, and political upheaval in the region. It also led to increased anti-war sentiment within the United States and strained international relations.
shorten the answer
The proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam were caused by the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union. The impacts included the division of Korea into North and South and the loss of millions of lives in both conflicts. These wars also strained international relations and led to political upheaval in the region.