No, not a good answer.
Under the prior atomic theory any orbital was allowed, so any energy change was allowed. If any energy change (emission) was allowed, then there would be continous spectrum. But the emission observed was specific discrete wavelength (energies) were given off....which one can deduce the changes in the orbitals are specific allowed intervals only.
Explain how understanding of the atomic emmission spectrum led to developement of the atomic theory.
The emmissions spectrum for each element is unique. You can identify an eleement by its spectrum. The atomic theory states that all atoms of a given element are identical. The emmissions spectrum proves this.
Can you help me add to this or understand more about this? Please.
Thank you.
3 answers
A certain wavelength or frequency corresponds to a certain photon energy which is a certain change of energy of the electron shell around the atom. In other words the frequency tells you how an electron orbit changed.