The use of a multiparty system in Nigeria can lead to unhealthy rivalry due to several reasons:
1. Competition for power: With multiple political parties vying for power, there is intense competition among them to win elections and gain control of the government. This can lead to cutthroat tactics, mudslinging, and negative campaigning as parties try to undermine their opponents.
2. Division of votes: In a multiparty system, votes can be divided among several parties, making it difficult for any single party to win a clear majority. This can lead to political instability and coalition governments which may struggle to govern effectively.
3. Lack of ideological differences: Oftentimes, political parties in Nigeria do not have clearly defined ideologies or policy differences, leading to a focus more on personality politics and patronage rather than substantive policy debates. This can contribute to unhealthy rivalry as parties compete for support based on personality rather than policy.
4. Tribal and regional politics: Nigeria's multiparty system is often characterized by parties that are formed along ethnic, regional, or religious lines, leading to identity-based politics and competition between different ethnic or regional groups. This can exacerbate divisions within society and lead to unhealthy rivalry as parties mobilize support based on ethnic or regional loyalties.
Overall, the use of a multiparty system in Nigeria can lead to unhealthy rivalry due to intense competition for power, division of votes, lack of ideological differences, and emphasis on identity-based politics. This can undermine political stability and governance in the country.
Explain how the use of multiparty system in nigeria leads to unhealthy rivalry
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