Explain how the Spanish words and phrases in “Names/Nombres” contribute to the tone.

Someone please help

9 answers


Read this question and the replies very carefully. Even though this question was referring to poetry, the ideas still apply.
I still don't get it :(
No way you could have read and thought about everything in the linked question I gave you.

Keep in mind that no one here will write your answer for you, but we might be able to check YOUR answer if you read, think, and then write.
Try thinking about it for two minutes, rather than less than one minute.
Im still confused what does it mean by THE TONE
Google poetry tone or literature tone

And do NOT resubmit this same question under the name HUMAN. We can easily see HUMAN = omg
Wait what are you assuming that this random person is doing HUMAN and you thing thats me. wow Thats like assuming my gender
I read through both links and I still did not get it, please help.