Are all of these questions about Huckleberry Finn?
What are your answers?
Explain how the author created the character (characterization).
Explain the theme of a piece of literature.
Compare and contrast two pieces of literature.
Write about one of the authors we have studied.
6 answers
Well for the first 2 i got answers. But this is an expository essay rough draft and we choose a short story and write about it with these questions. First one my answer is;
He used huck as narrator to see the innocent view of these convulted adult themes. in the eyes of a child, the morality of the situations he finds are much more obvious than a jaded adult.
And the second one is;
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn incorporates several themes developed around a central plot to create a story. the story is of a young boy, Huck, and an escaped slave, Jim, and their moral, ethical, and human development during a journey down the Mississippi River that brings them into many conflicts with the society around them. What Huck and Jim seek is freedom, and this freedom is sharply contrasted with the existing civilization along the great river. This conflict between freedom and orderly civilization forms the overarching theme of the novel.
but of course im writing it in my own words after i get all the information
He used huck as narrator to see the innocent view of these convulted adult themes. in the eyes of a child, the morality of the situations he finds are much more obvious than a jaded adult.
And the second one is;
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn incorporates several themes developed around a central plot to create a story. the story is of a young boy, Huck, and an escaped slave, Jim, and their moral, ethical, and human development during a journey down the Mississippi River that brings them into many conflicts with the society around them. What Huck and Jim seek is freedom, and this freedom is sharply contrasted with the existing civilization along the great river. This conflict between freedom and orderly civilization forms the overarching theme of the novel.
but of course im writing it in my own words after i get all the information
Looks good -- especially since you're going to write this in your own words.
Make sure you do what Ms Sue tells you to do ... rewrite all this in YOUR OWN WORDS.
Make sure you don't plagiarize!
Make sure you don't plagiarize!
For the third;
Tom sawyer and Huckleberry Finn both loved going on adventures,where it was pretend and really loyal to friends.. Tom was more imaginative but in some ways the less kind hearted of the two.
Write about one of the authors we have studied.
ANd last
In 1846, when he was 11 his father died of pneumonia so he quit school and became a printer’s apprentice with the Hannibal Journal to help support his family. From the ages of 18 to 22 he worked as a printer,His first claim to fame was an article “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavaras County" that he wrote in 1865 for the New York Saturday Press. It became an instant success and allowed him to secure a job with the Sacramento Union. The Sacramento Union commissioned him to visit the Sandwich Islands (now known as the state of Hawaii) to write the first of a series of travelogues that became nationally popular. The following year he traveled to the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East.Twain often drew from his life in his writings.
His first book, The Innocents Abroad, was published in 1869. A small supporting character became the hero in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1885, which has been called the first "Great American Novel."
Mark Twain had an interesting and diverse literary career. He wrote a total of 28 books along with essays, articles, and short stories.
Four of his books were published after his death:
Mark Twain's Autobiography
Mark Twain's Notebook
Letters from the Earth
Queen Victoria's Jubilee
As he predicted, he died on April 21, 1910, of a heart attack, the day after Halley’s Comet made its closest pass. He was 74 years old.
These again are just notes to gather information. But it is pretty good?
Tom sawyer and Huckleberry Finn both loved going on adventures,where it was pretend and really loyal to friends.. Tom was more imaginative but in some ways the less kind hearted of the two.
Write about one of the authors we have studied.
ANd last
In 1846, when he was 11 his father died of pneumonia so he quit school and became a printer’s apprentice with the Hannibal Journal to help support his family. From the ages of 18 to 22 he worked as a printer,His first claim to fame was an article “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavaras County" that he wrote in 1865 for the New York Saturday Press. It became an instant success and allowed him to secure a job with the Sacramento Union. The Sacramento Union commissioned him to visit the Sandwich Islands (now known as the state of Hawaii) to write the first of a series of travelogues that became nationally popular. The following year he traveled to the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East.Twain often drew from his life in his writings.
His first book, The Innocents Abroad, was published in 1869. A small supporting character became the hero in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1885, which has been called the first "Great American Novel."
Mark Twain had an interesting and diverse literary career. He wrote a total of 28 books along with essays, articles, and short stories.
Four of his books were published after his death:
Mark Twain's Autobiography
Mark Twain's Notebook
Letters from the Earth
Queen Victoria's Jubilee
As he predicted, he died on April 21, 1910, of a heart attack, the day after Halley’s Comet made its closest pass. He was 74 years old.
These again are just notes to gather information. But it is pretty good?
And i know, i just need all the notes before i write.