To be a friend of Jehovah, as Psalm 15:4 highlights, means to align our values with His. While we may struggle to determine who is truly "contemptible," we should focus on rejecting behaviors and influences that go against Jehovah's standards. This includes avoiding associations with those who unrepentantly practice wrongdoing, disrespect our beliefs, or aim to undermine our spirituality (1 Cor. 5:11; Prov. 13:20). Our goal is to stay close to Jehovah and choose friends who uplift our faith.
Explain how Jehovah’s guests reject “anyone who is contemptible.”Psalm 15:4 says that a friend of Jehovah “rejects anyone who is contemptible.” How can we do that? As imperfect humans, we are not qualified to determine whether someone is contemptible. Why? We might naturally be drawn to some people based on their personality traits and be annoyed by other people. Hence, we should reject only those whom Jehovah finds “contemptible.” (1 Cor. 5:11) This includes those who unrepentantly practice what is bad, disrespect our faith and beliefs, or try to undermine our spirituality.—Prov. 13:20
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