Explain, how can I carry out on research work for this research topic; The impact of Cannabis used by males aged 10-20 in Humilaveka Goroka District.

1 answer

Carrying out research on the impact of cannabis use by males aged 10-20 in Humilaveka Goroka District requires a systematic and methodical approach. Here are steps you can follow to conduct research on this topic:

1. Define Your Research Objectives: Clearly outline the purpose of your research, the specific questions you want to answer and the objectives you aim to achieve. This will help guide your study and ensure that you stay focused on the relevant aspects of the topic.

2. Conduct a Literature Review: Review existing studies, articles, and reports on the impact of cannabis use among males in the specified age group. This will help you understand what has already been studied in this area and what gaps exist in the current knowledge.

3. Develop a Research Proposal: Create a detailed proposal outlining your research design, methodology, data collection techniques, and analysis procedures. This will help you outline your research plan and seek approval from relevant authorities if needed.

4. Obtain Ethical Approval: Depending on the nature of your research, you may need to obtain ethical approval from an institutional review board or ethics committee. This is particularly important when working with human subjects, especially minors.

5. Collect Data: Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect data on cannabis use among males aged 10-20 in Humilaveka Goroka District. This can include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, and secondary data analysis.

6. Analyze Data: Once you have collected your data, analyze it using appropriate statistical tools or qualitative analysis techniques. Look for patterns, trends, and relationships between variables to draw meaningful conclusions.

7. Interpret Results: Interpret your findings in the context of existing literature and theories. Discuss the implications of your results, the significance of your findings, and any limitations of your study.

8. Write a Research Report: Prepare a research report summarizing your methodology, results, and conclusions. Present your findings in a clear and concise manner, with tables, figures, and references to support your arguments.

9. Disseminate Your Findings: Present your research findings at conferences, workshops, or seminars. Consider publishing your results in academic journals, policy briefs, or community reports to reach a wider audience and contribute to the existing knowledge on the impact of cannabis use among males aged 10-20.