To work out how much will be payable per month for transaction fees when only paying with the card and buying airtime, the account holder will need to consider the following:
1. Determine the total amount spent on airtime purchases during the month.
2. Find out the transaction fee charged by the bank for each airtime purchase made with the card.
3. Multiply the total number of airtime purchases made during the month by the transaction fee charged for each purchase.
4. Add up all the transaction fees calculated in step 3 to get the total amount payable for transaction fees for the month.
For example, if an account holder makes 10 airtime purchases with a transaction fee of $0.50 per purchase, the total transaction fees payable for the month would be $5 (10 purchases x $0.50 per purchase = $5 total transaction fees).
explain how an account holder will work out how much will be payable per month for transaction fees if the account holder only pay with the card and buys airtime
1 answer