Explain how a mutation in an individual's DNA occurs, and describe the effect it may have on the individual's traits.

29 answers

If only I knew the answer :( Plus this is 7th grade math, if you copied this, they would totally bust you!!
Myah, how is this math hun?
it is not
Omg *Facepalms* I am so sorry but Myah, sweetie, how do you get Math out of Science? :/ I may be blind but I'm not THAT bad
It's not math or 7th grade. Try Science 8th grade ;)
right answers this is 7 grade
Right answer, this isn't eighth grade science its seventh
guys answer the damn problem
Ok so there could be a slight possibility that Dragon Master and Myah are learning the same subject... but are in different grades. *Illuminati music begins to play*

And to respect connexus lols wishes here is the answer. yay!!!

An individuals DNA can be mutated because of a change in the environment, like the way DNA may react to a chemical or even radiation. DNA can also be mutated through viruses like Sickle cell etc. Other things too like replication errors, intake on different objects that your body may or maY not be used to. So many causes in which DNA mutation could occur.

Now all you have to do is put that into your own words and then you should get a reasonable grade.




Wups made an error....

I meant Right Answers and Myah
Thank you so much @Lets go to horselanddd, yea yea yea yea yeaaaaa
simple, just copy it, edit it a bit, EASY A
You all need to stop cheating on these tests
we honestly do, ive stopped cheating, im a connexus boyo, and you need to look back in ur lesson and not cheat :)
im honestly just checking my answer lol
Who even created this website lmAo
DNA are transcribed to the aRNA and then, in turn, morphed by the tRNA, altering the protein acid chain and keeping the function of the protein, which affects the traits of the individual.
its right, sorry for cheating.........
i’d rather cheat a little that fail my classes thank you 🙄🖐
its not like im ever gonna be a scientist
I agree. Personally i have a good understanding of the question and science but i cant translate that into words easily. Also we can't get a good paying job without good grades. tbh grades don't even reflect how smart we are but we still need them to be high or suddenly we are stupid. and how many of your parents look up a question when they don't know it? By the time we are adults we won't have a clue how to answer this question unless we are a teacher or scientist. I hope all of you guys do well on your test and hope you get good grades cause thats all we are currently worth; letters in a gradebook cya and good luck :p
this funny lollll. smh
yall are funny
beep boop skdoop bep bop boop\
I'm a frog :}
Btw guys here's where u can paste the answer that the guy posted, just paste it at quillbot.com and it will change it for u.
no helpful information thankyou