explain how a microclimate can affect crop production
I need someone to explain this to me because i don't get it
3 answers
well it affects by making all corps began to die and then there killed from the root up and the new sole would have to be replaced
Microclimate is the climate of a very small or restricted area, especially when this differs from the climate of the surrounding area. If there is a microclimate right in the area of a crop growing field it can affect the crops in a positive or negative way. The negative way could be that the air and temperature in the microclimate area would be extremely dry and hot, therefore dehydrating the crops in the field. Microclimate can be good in some cases, ex. there is a primitive tropical area which depends on farming as their main source of food. They are having a heat wave having a heat wave. The microclimate that is there is on a farming field. In the microclimate the air is moist and rains every so often, giving this farmer perfect farming conditions for their crop.