Experiment Base on bp measurements show All steps?

1 answer

1. Obtain a calibrated blood pressure measuring device (sphygmomanometer) and a stethoscope.
2. Ensure the patient is in a comfortable seated position with their arm supported at heart level.
3. Wrap the deflated cuff around the patient's upper arm, ensuring it is snug but not too tight.
4. Place the stethoscope over the brachial artery on the inside of the elbow.
5. Inflate the cuff by squeezing the bulb until the pressure exceeds the patient's systolic pressure (around 160-180 mmHg).
6. Slowly release the pressure from the cuff by turning the knob on the valve.
7. Listen through the stethoscope for the first sound (systolic pressure) and the disappearance of sound (diastolic pressure).
8. Note the readings on the device when the first sound is heard and when the sound disappears to get the systolic and diastolic pressures respectively.
9. Record the blood pressure reading in mmHg (e.g. 120/80).
10. Repeat the measurement at least twice, allowing a few minutes between each reading to ensure accurate results.
11. Calculate the average of the readings to obtain the most reliable blood pressure measurement.
12. Document the measurements and any relevant observations in the patient's medical records.