Exercises In Coherence?
Coherence- Type of Arrangement (Time, Physical Order, Order of Importance, Similar Ideas, Different Ideas, Conclusion)
1. story about a haunted house
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
2. a description of the haunted house
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
3. a paragrapgh persuading your parents to let you stay up later
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
4. a paragrapgh about that causes of the American Revolution:
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
5. a description of a zoo you visited:
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
6. an explination of the events which occured on the way to school:
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
7. a paragragh describing your best friend:
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
8. an explination of how to make a peanut butter sandwich:
kind of order:?
reason 1- ?
2- ?
1 answer
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Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.