- felt - he - bad
- looked - cat's eyes - green
- moved
- stayed
- felt - June - her way
- smells - pavement - clean
- is - Juneau - the capital of Alaska
- smelled
- looked
- were - dancers - very talented
Exercise: Pick out the verbs in the following sentences. If the verb is action, just write the verb. If a verb is linking, write the verb, and tell which words it connects.
Ex: The pilot flew faster than the speed of sound. - flew
A bobcat looks ferocious. looks, bobcat - ferocious
He felt bad about his score on the test. Felt he-bad
The cat’s eyes looked green in the dark. Looked cat’s eyes- green
The climbers moved cautiously along the edge of the cliff.
We stayed in Hollywood for the shooting of the film.
June felt her way carefully through the dark room. A Felt
The pavement smells clean after a hard rain.
Juneau is the capital of Alaska.
Sylvia cautiously smelled the strange chemical.
We looked at the marquis to decide which movie to see. looked
The dancers were very talented.
1 answer