Excerpt from “John Redding Goes to Sea” by Zora Neale Hurston
In which of the following excerpts from the passage does the use of an ironic tone suggest a challenge to a common social practice in this cultural context?
“Well, ef tain't no conjure in de world, how come Mitch Potts been layin' on his back six mont's an' de doctah kain't do 'im no good? Answer me dat.”
“He attended the village school as did most of the youth about him, but he also went to high school at the county seat where none of the villagers went.”
“Mrs. Redding declared that she was happier than she had ever been in her life. She therefore indulged in a whole afternoon of weeping.”
“Stella accused her husband of indifference and made his life miserable with tears, accusations and pouting.”
“He 'lows he's goin' to sea when he gits grown, an' Ah reckon Ah'll let 'im."
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