Excerpt from Daniel Freeman's Proof Required Under Homestead Acts May 20, 1862, and June 21, 1866

We . . . do solemnly swear that we have known Daniel Freeman for over five years last past ; that he is the head of a family consisting of wife and two children and is a citizen of the United States; that he is an inhabitant of the . . . of section No. 26 in Township No. 4 of Range No. 5 E and that no other person resided upon the said land entitled to the right of Homestead or Pre-emption.

That the said Daniel Freeman entered upon and made settlement on said land on the 1st day of January, 1863, and has built a house thereon part log and . . . frame 14 x 20 feet one story. with two doors two windows. shingle roof. board floors and is a comfortable house to live in. and has lived in the said house and made it his exclusive home from the 1st day of January, 1863, to the present time, and that he has since said settlement ploughed, fenced, and cultivated about 35 acres of said land, and has made the following improvements thereon, to wit : built a stable, a sheep shed 100 feet long corn crib, and has 40 apple and about 400 peach trees . . .

Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Which statement reflects a source of contention between homesteaders and ranchers in the West?

“he is the head of a family consisting of wife and two children and is a citizen of the United States”

“no other person resided upon the said land entitled to the right of Homestead or Pre-emption”

“Daniel Freeman entered upon and made settlement on said land . . . and has built a house thereon part log”

“he has since said settlement ploughed, fenced, and cultivated about 35 acres of said land”

1 answer

D. “he has since said settlement ploughed, fenced, and cultivated about 35 acres of said land” reflects a source of contention between homesteaders and ranchers in the West because the ranchers often believed that the homesteaders were taking up too much land for farming and fencing, which they saw as a threat to their own use of the land for grazing cattle.