excerpt from A Little Princess, a paragraph from Ch. 15

(1) Sara went and found the bread. (2) It was old and hard and dry. (3)
The cook was in too vicious a humor to give her anything to eat with it.
(4) It was always safe and easy to vent her spite on Sara. (5) Really, it was hard for the child to climb the three long flights of stairs leading to her attic. (6) She often found them long and steep when she was tired; but tonight it seemed as if she would never reach the top. (7) Several times she was obliged to stop to rest. (8) When she reached the top landing she was glad to see the glimmer of a light coming from und her door. (9) That meant that Ermengarde had managed to creep un pay her a visit. (10) There was some comfort in that. (11) It was bet than to go into the room alone and find it empty and desolate. (12) mere presence of plump, comfortable Ermengarde, wrapped in her shawl, would warm it a little.Analysis of paragraph from the text

1 answer

In this excerpt from Chapter 15 of A Little Princess, the narrative captures Sara's journey as she climbs the stairs to her attic room, laden with both physical and emotional challenges. Here’s an analysis of its key elements and themes:

  1. Physical Struggle and Fatigue: The paragraph vividly describes Sara's exhaustion as she navigates the three long flights of stairs. Phrases like "long and steep" and the need to "stop to rest" emphasize the physical toll her circumstances are taking on her. This mirrors her overall struggle for survival and dignity amidst her difficult situation.

  2. Isolation and Spite: The reference to the cook's "vicious humor" highlights the cruel treatment Sara receives from those in positions of power. The portrayal of the cook venting her "spite" on Sara signifies not only Sara's isolation but also how the downtrodden often become targets for the bitterness of others. This dynamics of power and vulnerability is a recurring theme in the novel.

  3. Hope and Companionship: Despite the hardships, Sara's joy upon seeing the light under her door indicates the importance of companionship and hope in her life. Knowing that Ermengarde is waiting for her creates a contrast to the loneliness she often feels. The presence of Ermengarde, described as “plump” and “comfortable,” symbolizes comfort and warmth, which are scarce in Sara’s world.

  4. Emotional Landscape: The paragraph effectively conveys Sara's emotional state. The anticipation of finding Ermengarde adds a layer of emotional warmth and connection, showing how meaningful friendships can provide solace in times of despair. The mention of her room being "empty and desolate" if she were to enter alone illustrates the stark difference between isolation and companionship.

  5. Imagery and Tone: The imagery of the “glimmer of a light” creates a sense of hope breaking through the darkness, representing not just physical light but emotional warmth as well. This light serves as a beacon, guiding Sara through her difficult journey.

In summary, this paragraph effectively encapsulates the struggles of Sara's character, portraying her physical fatigue, the cruelty of those around her, and the meaningful relationships that provide her with some semblance of comfort and hope in an otherwise harsh reality. The contrasts of struggle and respite, isolation and companionship, frame the emotional core of the narrative.