The water molecule: H20
Quadratic: ax2 + bx + c = 0
Just like you would use the b tag for bold or the i tag for italic, use the sub and sup tags for subscript and superscript.
that's great...but what do you mean "b tag" and "i tag" ??
the b tag is for bold. The i tag is for italics. We place a < sign followed by b or i followed by >. It looks like this, but to show it I must place a question mark. You would leave the ? out.
<?b> without the ? will put everyting in bold. To stop bold, the slash mark is used. That is </?b> without the question mark will stop the bold.
OK thanks
practicing no bold
You have it.
Thanks. But you're right...
not easy
I'm glad we have that but it isn't EASY to use. It takes about 10 times the time to write
Na2SO4 + BaCl2 ==> 2NaCl + BaSO4
Testing -- a cobb-douglas function.
Q = A(KaL(1-a))
It does take time, but it sure makes the text more readable. I'm used to using LaTeX and equation writer, so I never thought to check -or ask- if this site supported tags.
Fermat primes: The nth Fermat prime, Fn=22n+1
Let's see if S can be used for an integral here:
If F(x) is any anti-derivative of f(x), then
Sbaf(x)dx = F(b) - F(a)
too bad we don't have the medial s...oh well.
this should be bold
this should be underlined
this should be italics
<sqrt>this would be a square root in LaTeX</sqrt>
This would be 1/2 <frac>1 2</frac>